HomeBlogSurgical vs. Non-Surgical Facial Rejuvenation: Which is Right for Me?

Surgical vs. Non-Surgical Facial Rejuvenation: Which is Right for Me?

For Los Angeles plastic surgeon Christine Petti, MD, FACS, facial rejuvenation is both an art and a science. Every person ages differently, presents certain key signs of facial aging, and has unique goals, which is why she takes a fresh approach each time she designs a customized treatment plan. During the consultation process, men and women who seek Dr. Petti’s facial rejuvenation expertise often ask her whether surgical or non-surgical cosmetic procedures are right for creating the youthful look they desire. After a comprehensive facial evaluation and discussion of the patient’s expectations, Dr. Petti explains which of the many cosmetic options she offers would yield optimal results. The answers she provides are largely determined by a variety of factors:

  • What is the depth and degree of facial aging present?
  • What is the condition of the skin and skin elasticity?
  • How much skin sagging is present?
  • Has the patient undergone previous facial plastic surgery or cosmetic treatments?
  • Does the patient prioritize long-lasting results?
  • How much facial volume has been lost and where?
  • Is the patient’s current health condition considered safe for surgery?
  • What is the patient’s budget?

Based on the answers to these questions, Dr. Petti usually outlines a few different treatment options and discusses the benefits and limitations of each. While it is possible to create an effective non-surgical beauty plan with skin treatments and cosmetic injectables alone, patients who are experiencing significant skin and tissue aging—characterized by considerable loss of skin elasticity, slack musculature, and facial volume depletion—are often best served by a treatment plan that includes plastic surgery.

If you are curious about facial rejuvenation and want to find out how award-winning plastic surgeon Christine Petti, MD would approach creating the more youthful look you desire, contact our practice in Torrance to schedule your one-on-one consultation.