Tighten Facial and Neck Skin
Tighten and slim the neck with this non-surgical facelift.
Dr. Christine Petti understands how frustrating it can be to look in the mirror and see a new wrinkle, or long for a tighter neck line. She also sympathizes with the desire for a nonsurgical approach to facelift and necklift surgery, which is why she maintains a constant connection to the latest advancements in cosmetic enhancement.
Known as the laser facelift and neck lift, PrecisionTx™ from Cynosure allows Dr. Petti to utilize her expertise in fat removal and body contouring in smaller areas, such as the lower face and neck. Having developed her own special techniques for fat removal in other areas of the body, Dr. Petti is specifically interested in how this fat removal technology can be used to help patients achieve a younger facial appearance without the need for surgery.
Why PrecisionTx™?
Tighter Facial and Neck Skin
With a number of appearances on the daytime talk show The Doctors, Dr. Petti continues to expand on and share her experience with nonsurgical means of cosmetic enhancement. PrecisionTx™ is exciting because of the immediate impact it can have as it tightens the deeper layers of face and neck tissue through a minimally invasive technique, and melts pockets of fat often resistant to diet and exercise. What this means for Dr. Petti’s patients is a firmer, slimmer appearance that can help them look as young on the outside as they feel on the inside, all accomplished through a nonsurgical approach.
Collagen Stimulation
Another benefit of the PrecisionTx™ treatment is the efficient stimulation of collagen production, which means patients are able to achieve a more lifted, refreshed, contoured appearance over the months following the procedure. Dr. Petti can specifically use this non-surgical contouring procedure to address patient concerns in areas such as the face, chin, jowls, and neck.
Efficient and Effective Treatment with Minimal Downtime
PrecisionTx™ is performed using a local anesthetic, delivered in-office just prior to the procedure. While the treatment time depends on the extent of areas being treated, the PrecisionTx™ procedure typically takes an hour. Recovery time is minimal, and patients should be able to return to normal daily activities 1-3 days following treatment. The final outcome should appear within 4 weeks of treatment, and should continue to improve over the 6 months following PrecisionTx™.
PrecisionTx™ for Hyperhidrosis
This innovative laser treatment can also be used to reduce excessive sweating in the underarm area due to hyperhidrosis. Dr. Petti can use the PrecisionTx™ laser beneath the skin by making a tiny incision and directing the laser energy sideways. The laser can specifically target the sweat glands and deactivate them without harming the outer layer of skin. Results of laser treatment for hyperhidrosis with PrecisionTx™ can typically last longer than BOTOX® injections for excessive sweating. Additionally, the treatment itself is designed to be more comfortable than past solutions for hyperhidrosis, such as microwave techniques. No stitches are needed after the procedure, and most patients are able to return to their normal activities later that day. At this time, PrecisionTx™ cannot be used to treat hyperhidrosis of the hands or feet, but it can be very effective for underarm treatment.
Schedule Your One-on-One Consultation
During the personal consultation, Dr. Petti covers all concerns as she helps you develop the appropriate treatment to meet your aesthetic goals. She strives to create a safe and nurturing environment to help each patient feel comfortable discussing all aspects of the procedure, including medical history and the individual motivation to undergo treatment.
If you are interested in learning more about this minimally-invasive facial and neck contouring procedure, Dr. Petti encourages you to contact us to schedule a consultation. She will be happy to answer all of your questions and talk more with you about your goals.