Dr. Petti and Jacqueline Stoneburner Co-Author Report on Innovative Laser Body Contouring Procedure

Christine Petti, MD and her daughter, Jacqueline Stoneburner, a senior at the University of Notre Dame, have co-authored a study examining the enhanced efficacy of combining Cellulaze™ and SmartLipo Triplex™ into a single procedure for the lower body. The clinical report, titled “Laser cellulite treatment and laser-assisted lipoplasty of the thighs and buttocks: Combined modalities for single stage contouring of the lower body”, was published in the January 2016 issue of the journal, Lasers in Surgery and Medicine. Traditionally, the two surgical techniques are performed separately to treat two characteristics of fat accumulation in women, cellulite and lipodystrophy, which can cause varying degrees of unevenness along the skin’s surface.
It was Dr. Petti’s hope that combining Cellulaze™ and SmartLipo Triplex™ would reduce recovery time, improve the quality of patient results, and increase overall patient satisfaction. According to the results of the clinical trial, compared to the multiple procedure approach, the aesthetic outcomes achieved with the single procedure approach were scored higher based on scientific standards of evaluation, and the level of patient satisfaction increased as well. Ms. Stoneburner played a vital role in several aspects of the study, helping to produce the literature review, document the procedure, gather patient data, record before-and-after images of results, and understand the journal’s review process. After graduation from the University of Notre Dame in Science-Business and Spanish, Ms. Stoneburner plans to attend medical school and someday become a plastic surgeon.
If you have questions about body contouring with SmartLipo Triplex™, Cellulaze™, and SculpSure® we encourage you to contact us for more information.