HomeBlogWhat is Breast Augmentation Mastopexy (BAM)?

What is Breast Augmentation Mastopexy (BAM)?

As women’s’ bodies endure hormonal fluctuations, weight changes, childbearing, and aging, the breasts lose their youthful appearance. However, a procedure called breast augmentation mastopexy (BAM) can simultaneously address several key cosmetic breast concerns by restoring volume, firmness, elevation, and shape. Breast augmentation mastopexy is a plastic surgery procedure that combines the surgical placement of breast implants (augmentation) with breast lift (mastopexy) techniques to achieve comprehensive rejuvenation of the breasts and bustline. The advantages of the BAM procedure can include:

  • Removal of excess skin
  • Repositioning and/or reshaping of the nipples
  • Placement of saline or silicone breast implants
  • Reshaping of the breast skin and tissue
  • Lifting the breasts to reduce sagginess and an elongated breast shape
  • Enhancement of breast symmetry
  • Enhancement of breast proportions

For each patient who undergoes breast lift surgery with implants, plastic surgeon Christine Petti, MD customizes every aspect of the procedure to suit the individual’s unique needs, frame, and cosmetic goals. During consultations, Dr. Petti takes the time to understand the changes her patients desire, and from there she formulates a surgical plan and makes breast implant recommendations that can produce optimal results. She often utilizes advanced technology to create digital images of what certain outcomes can look like so that patients feel confident about how their decisions will affect their results.

If you are considering breast augmentation mastopexy, we encourage you to contact our practice to schedule a consultation with Dr. Petti to find out how you can have the shapely, youthful breasts you desire.